Meido Moore (6th Dan, Great Lakes Aikido) and Lisa Tomoleoni (6th dan, Aikido Shimobkukai) will teach a joint seminar under the theme “Two Shihan, Two Perspectives, One Class” on February 18-19 at Great Lakes Aikido (150 Fairway Drive, Suite 156, Vernon Hills, IL, 60061.)
Schedule (US CST):
Saturday, February 18, 10:00 am-12:00 pm & 2:00-5:00 pm
Sunday, February 19, 10:00 am-12:30 pm
Fees: $125 for the whole seminar, $100 for Saturday only, and $50 for Sunday only.
Please register online at the Aikido Shimbokukai homepage. In-person registration will also be accepted at the door.
A limited number of scholarships are available, please contact if interested.