Today is Martin Luther King (MLK) Day, and in light of the great Civil Rights leader’s advocacy of nonviolence, Chicago Aikikai would like to invite everyone to an onsite workshop on applying aikido’s principles of nonaggression and transformational engagement to everyday conflicts in the workplace and other interpersonal relationships.
In the “Transforming Conflict into Possibility” workshop, Chicago Aikikai instructor and professional coach Qin Coe will guide participants in simple, fun and gentle Aikido-inspired exercises to experience a more grounded, calm and composed way of being under pressure. This will ideally result in your ability to harmoniously resolve conflicts to everyone’s mutual benefit.
What do you do during conflicts? . . . It’s human to get frustrated, upset, angry, defensive, afraid, or experience other emotions. Fight, flight, freeze instincts are our evolutionary adaptations to changes…we always have a choice on how we actually respond to perceived threats. – Qin
Transforming Conflict into Possibility
with Qin Coe
Date: Sunday, February 25th, 2024
Time: 1:30 – 4:30 pm Central time
Duration: 3 Hours
Where: Chicago Aikikai
Fee: $40
Click here to register (space limited to 20).
Help us promote the workshop. Please like or forward our Facebook event page to someone you think may benefit. If you have any questions you would like to ask about the workshop on Qin Coe’s work, please e-mail qzaiki at gmail.