Latest Past Events
Tres Hofmeister Sensei Summer Seminar (Now on Zoom!)
Chicago Aikikai 1444 W. Chicago Avenue, 2nd Floor (Located above Beauty Bar), ChicagoChicago Aikikai is pleased to announce that its Summer Seminar with Tres Hofmeister Sensei, 7d, will still be going forward, though now via Zoom. Hofmeister Sensei will teach two classes: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm (CT) on Friday, June 5 and 10:00 am – 11:00 am (CT) on Saturday, June 6. The Friday evening class […]
Third Friday Practice
Chicago Aikikai 1444 W. Chicago Avenue, 2nd Floor (Located above Beauty Bar), ChicagoAll Aikido friends are invited to join us each third Friday at 6:30 till around 8:00 pm, for our monthly special practice. And then the festivities will begin. We will enjoy getting together around a potluck of beverages, dinner, and desserts, after class. So, it would be great if you are able to bring a dish […]
Midwest Aikido Bridge Seminar
Milwaukee Shobukan 9450 N 107th St,, Milwaukee, WIThe 2020 Midwest Bridge Seminar will be held on March 20-22nd, 2020. Many of us will be heading up to the Bridge Seminar at the Milwaukee Shobukan again this year. This year will boast an additional 3 hours of classes for a total of 18 hours of instruction! The instructor line up for this year […]